What a week . . .


These days have been long anticipated, when the crew from Our Daily Bread Ministries would be here to film for Season 2 an episode for their series “Unshakable Moxie”. Feel free to check out Season 1 on YouTube which has already been released.  I won’t share again the many misgivings and insecurities that I’ve experienced over the last 8 months when first asked to be part of this amazing initiative. I can only say that God showed up big time in so many ways that I am still bathing in His Ruach this morning as I write this encouragement.


Being part of this experience has felt as if it advanced my walk with Him by light years, if that can even begin to describe the feeling. I have had to deeply reflect on my spiritual journey, revisit my coming to know Yeshua as the Messiah, dialogue with friends and loved ones of the possibilities and pitfalls of being part of this series. I’ve had to communicate my feelings when as a mainstream Jewish woman I came to know Yeshua, at a time when my religious identity would not have included belief in Him. I’ve had to reflect on times of hardship and how I knew God was still with me.


I’ve had to ponder how my life over the last almost 25 years has included experiences I never would have imagined or planned by my own volition, how meaningful the walk dialoguing with Jews and Christians about our interconnectedness, how rich the conversations, how important my interest in theological study and continual learning, how life changing daily Scripture reading. I am so grateful to have access to challenging and provocative modern scholarship and new archaeological findings and writings that explain previous misconceptions, so grateful to be alive during these very days of discovery which so profoundly impact the evolving Jewish/Christian relationship. I am reminded of the enormous blessing to be given these opportunities that have changed my life so dramatically to one filled with awe and wonder of Him every moment. I am so deeply grateful to have submitted to His Plan for me, one I could not possibly have known or chosen myself.


As I write this Shabbat encouragement on the deck of our home breathing in the view of the ocean, the blue skies, the birds chirping, a white dove just flew by . . .


The days I just spent with the amazingly wonderful crew of ODB Ministries were truly anointed. Literally every location we had picked for filming was not a possibility, for clearly the evil one would not be supporting this venture designed to help viewers stay strong in their faith no matter what. Yet as we would choose another location or time, as each door was closed, God opened gorgeous picture windows of options even better than the ones we had chosen. Despite weather challenges and sea conditions around the shoots, we had perfect weather and seas for the times needed. The inability to shoot elsewhere actually caused these scenes to be filmed at or near my home, doing so opening our eyes to what we already have been given. For the scenes shot in public places, as the crew of 14 descended on our small town with professional movie setups and equipment, even a drone, the effect on those watching was palpable as the two beautiful young lady stars of the series sang boldly about Jesus!


Another dove flies by . . .


We all can become overwhelmed by our lives. There is no way around life’s challenges, the things we have to do, not to mention our human tendencies to worry and become stressed out. When asked to do something way outside our comfort zones, these feelings intensify. Having finished the filming for this project I am praying that today’s overwhelming sense of peace continues. I am praying that the effect of having experienced these amazing people and being able to be a part of their godly initiative will stay with me. I am grateful to have met them and been asked to share as I did.


Whether part of a film or just living each day, each of us has this opportunity to share our walks with others, to be encouragers, to be good listeners to others and to Him, to be reminded that when we put our Messiah front and center, we will feel God’s presence intimately with every breath. Our lives will experience the peace that does surpass all understanding. For as we experience love through our relationships with others, we feel His amazing unconditional, unwavering, love of us.


Shabbat shalom.


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